Steele Rubber Rant.. I am PO'd big time

Howdy gang.. Its my turn to rant today.. Everyone knows theres several threads currently going on about the lack of window rubbers for our A-bodies.. Year One, Legendary, etc etc.. all nationally backordered,, with no time table for new stock.. Several reasons floating around as to why.. I still dont really know.. but I do know it sucks..

So.. a couple members mentioned Steele Rubber and gave some praise and thats where I went... They had 2 listing for rear rubber.. (though every other place only shows one listing) ... Steele has it listed Dart 2 door hard top WITH vinyl and two door hardtop without the vinyl.. No one could tell me what the differance was, but I figured there had to be one, so I ordered the one for the vinyl top... and they had one in stock.,. awesome.. $128 ...

Last night I finally get the chance to put the back glass back into the buggy...right away we notice the gap in the rubber that is supposed to go around the pinch weld in the window channel seems awfully large.. thats because it was.. right away my friends (who have done this with SEVERAL Mopars) start telling me something is wrong.. meanwhile we already had weatherstrip adhesive in the channel in preperation for the rubber.. the rubber wont stay in at all cause the gap is just too huge, hell you could've put 5 pinch welds in there.. but we figure we must be missing something, and press on.. we get the glass in.. and right away the rubber still isnt tight to the car, and with one hand and very little pressure I push the rear glass right back out... now I have seen this done before and know the glass is supposed to be tight.. the rubber just doesnt fit.. it isnt right.. so...

I call Steele today to find out what to do to make things right.. first off they were assholes on the phone... telling me that because I got weatherstrip adhesive on it that negates sending in back blah blah.. I tell them I paid serious cash for this rubber because its supposed to fit.. they tell me they used 'factory originals' as their guide to manufacturing this rubber.. I said unless the factory example they had used shag carpeting as a roof this rubber was never gonna work.. finally they tell me to clean the rubber up, send it back, and their 'engineers' will examine and investigate my window rubber to see what may be the problem... unreal

So I ask if the other rubber is available (the non vinyl top one) . they say no.. that one is made by another company and is on national back order.. their front and (non vinyl) rear rubbers are made by THE SAME PEOPLE that make them for everyone else!!!! I flip and tell them that their website claims they make their own rubbers.. he kindly informs me that they make 'some' of their own parts.. like the one for 'my' Dart.. nice... what they make DOESNT fit!!! ... I am pissed and bummed.. these rubbers are no where to be had, and now short of a miracle, the buggy will not be done this summer..

Now starts the search on ebay, here, craigslist, swap meets.. where ever to find a back window rubber for a 69 Dart.. Thanks Steele Rubber!!

there.. rant over.. I feel no better, but needed to get that off my chest..

as for what happened to the original rubbers (cause I know someone is wondering LOL) .. they were cracked, and seriously dried out.. they split and fell apart coming out...