Some things never change..

I refuse to grow up. I come home after a day helping someone move or something and think why am i so tired, oh yeah, i am 45, still young in my mind i guess.

I still watch the old 70's shows, and eat Life and Capt Crunch, eat oreo cookies and milk, have chocolate chip cookies and milk.

My parents grew up in the south, both in farm country, where you had breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time.

When we go stay with them at one of their condos or go on a trip, they still have the same schedule as we did when growing up. Gotta have breakfast, gotta have lunch at 12, even though breakfast was only a hr before, gotta have dinner at 5, no matter what. I cant stand that.

One thing they did stop though, my dad worked at Boeing for 35 yrs, 1960 to 1995, he was part of generation before baby boomers, what ever that is called. I remember growing up, until i was about 12 or so, he got home at 5, read the paper (like everyone in that generation) and had a Gin and Tonic or a Gimlet.

I think he stopped that when we became teenagers because they didnt want us to think having a drink after work was the normal thing. Kinda glad that stopped.