Some things never change..

I still build model cars like I did when I was a kid
I still listen to cassettes,watch movies on VHS
Sometimes I play old Atari games on my 2600 Emulator on my pc(space invaders!)
Or I play Galaga,Super Mario,Donkey Kong,Centipede,Missile Command,Spy Hunter on my MAME Arcade Emulator(miss arcades =( )
Count Chocula like when I was younger,although I wish the other monster cereals came out more other than during Halloween
Still catch myself in the toy section at Wal-Mart(I have a huge hot wheels collection)
I have the original Megatron and Optimus Prime,although they are falling apart. old Transformers!!
My favorite snack is still Chocodiles and a Pepsi,although I cant find Chocodiles anywhere =(

I do alot of things I did when I was younger still

Except I pull my chain alot less =D