Can anyone tell me how to correct the way the threads are posted?

Well TX, you can do it that way but it sure gets old going through the process every time you want to read something.

Go to your User CP up in the right hand corner. On the left you will see

Your Control Panel

Look through the black menu bars to find Settings and Options

Click on Edit Options

A big box will open on the right called Messaging & Notification

Scroll down a bit to Thread Display Options

Thread Display Mode is what you're looking for. Change it on the drop down menu to Linear -- Oldest First

Then scroll down to Save Changes and click that.

That's all there is to it. Every thread you look at after that will appear from the first post. When you return to the thread later, all you have to do is click on "View First Unread" and it will take you right to the latest post.

You can also choose the various drop down menus to further customize your FABO experience (i.e., instant notification on threads you're subscribed to, PM settings, etc.)