The Wine Drinkers Thread

Glad to see there are others on here who enjoy wine. I am sure no wine snob, but do keep between 70 to 100 bottles of cab in the rack. I try and rotate them so the ones I am enjoying on "treat days," are at least 5 to 7 years old. Tamarack, Estancia, Simi, Mondavi unfiltered, The Edge, Charles Krug, etc.

Then for regular consumption (can't afford those on a daily or even weekly basis) we usually buy a case of Columbia Crest Grand Estates (best under $10 I have found) Cab.
I hardly ever buy wine myself, it is usually given to me for gifts by close friends and family.
The Mrs. gave me the last case of CCGE for Christmas, and it is about gone. Last year it was a couple cases of "7 daughters" a real nice blend of 7 grapes.

My all time favorite, is Freemark Abbey, but can't justify the cost. Once in a while my boss will gift me a bottle, as her husband keeps a lot of wine, as his hobby. They are partners in a Michigan winery called "Founders" that has some real nice whites, and some fancy reds, but I haven't opened one of their cabs yet since the winery started in 2007.

I've had Estancia and cloumbia crest, tasty.

My pick for the $6-$7 is the '06 BV coastal estates cab, it's a nice mix of napa/mendicino/ and if I remember right.. paso robbles
great for drinking right away.

I have a friend who bottles his own from various vinyards, its a cab franc that really blew me very very good, he wont tell me where exactly it comes from though...yet at

On the other hand, my uncle who is a wine buff bought a lot of french 'and others' cases of wine back in the early 80's, so we bust out the '83 vintage chateau pauliac a couple times a year for the hollidays...EXCELLENT!!!
Then there is the '66 he has.....chateau latuor I believe and some others.

the 06-08 BV napa cab need to age more imo