The Wine Drinkers Thread

I've had Estancia and cloumbia crest, tasty.

My pick for the $6-$7 is the '06 BV coastal estates cab, it's a nice mix of napa/mendicino/ and if I remember right.. paso robbles
great for drinking right away.

I have a friend who bottles his own from various vinyards, its a cab franc that really blew me very very good, he wont tell me where exactly it comes from though...yet at

On the other hand, my uncle who is a wine buff bought a lot of french 'and others' cases of wine back in the early 80's, so we bust out the '83 vintage chateau pauliac a couple times a year for the hollidays...EXCELLENT!!!
Then there is the '66 he has.....chateau latuor I believe and some others.
Good call on the BV Coastal, and I agree it needs to mature. Since the CCGE made a 91 on "Wine Spectator" a few years ago, the price has gone up 50%. You used to be able to find it for $6.50 to $7, now it is just under $10.

I have never really tasted those real expensive wines, just can't imagine the price. When things were prosperous a few years ago, I was buying my bosses husband a bottle of Opus One for Christmas each year, but he hasn't ever shared any of it with me.

Clos du Bois, very good quality for their prices. They produce a lot of wine but that doesn't mean it's not good.

Rex-Goliath is my go-to right now, on a tight budget, very decent Cab and Chard for around 6 bucks.
I have never seen the Rex-Goliath, will have to look for it, thanks.

The only bad wine I ever opened was a 10 year old bottle of Clos du Bois cab. OMG, that was nasty, and had huge chunks in it. I am not sure what happened, but it wasn't good. My guess, it was poorly stored by the retailer.

I catch myself almost laughing at the ritual some wine drinkers go to on "approving" a bottle of wine. But if you would have tasted that bad bottle, you could see why. But I still don't do it, I just smell it.