virus 3 times from this site.

I haven't had any problems on here either. I run Windows 7 on my laptop, my wife's laptop, my wife's other laptop, Vista on our desktop, and dual boot XP Pro/Windows 7 on our other desktop. Every one of these is running Microsoft Security Essentials with the exception of my laptop, which has Microsoft Forefront on it. Every computer has active real-time virus scanning and every computer has Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware installed. I know the old adage says that you get what you pay for, and I agree. I didn't pay anything for the anti-virus or anti-malware programs, and so far I haven't gotten anything. I can't remember the last time I had a virus. Of course, since I said that, my laptop is probably in its death throws right now as we speak...

I have owned so many Windows based PC's and they all have the same issues all the way from Windows95 to Windows7 and they all eventually end up in the trash can!

I do however run a IMac at my office with Windows7 on a partition off the mac using Parallels. It NEVER shuts off and it Runs better on the MAC than it does on any PC Based Machine I have and I have owned at least 50 Computers to run my business.

Seriously with all the Virus software, down time, glitches,repair, maintenance not to mention you need to be TECH Savvy to overcome the daily problems running them. You almost need to be a TECH to Properly Run a PC with Windows.

You would be better off with a MAC all day long. What does suck is when the world actually realizes that this is infact soooo true, there will be a HUGE Layoff for all the IT guys because they will not be needed anymore.