Honestly........ This is my cat.

the dead things they leave at your door are gifts to show they appreciate someone in the household.....the other stuff is gifts for the one tryin to run em over ROFLMAO........
Fat , lazy bastard.

I have one of those and all it does is the same as you mentioned.

It lives for food and pushes your hand out of the way to eat it, and it only thinks humans exist to be it's personal food distribution unit.
It sheds and tears up my friggin screens on my windows, craps everywhere, pisses everywhere and drags dead animals and leaves them to rot at the foot of my door.

I hate cats with a passion but my wife and kids have collected 4 so far but I try to make sure I run them over when they run in front of my vehicles when I pull in the driveway.....yes, yes I do and I'm damn proud of it.