sandblaster or wire brush + rust neutralizer?

Ospho by skyco available at ace hardware......sand,grind,wirewheel everything in site (wear safety glasses) and a mask.....then vacume it then blow it out with lots of air and vacume again...take tin snips and cut out the thin stuff.....repeat above process.......the spray,brush,mop on some ospho(use gloves,eye protection,and some serious ventilation in unison with a mask) That stuff stink's bad!!! then after it sets for a while mop up the excess and throw the rags away or burn them!!!! then let set for 24 hours.....scuff with a scotchbrite and repeat the cleaning process followed with wax and grease remover or ya can just use laquer thinner.... then brush on a coat of rustoleum with a touch of acrylic enamel hardner and let dry......after that pop rivet a piece of metal that has been thru the process to the fred flintstone area seam seal it then after the seam sealer is dry slap another coat of rustoleum over the whole floorpan.....after that has dried.......install me in thirty years if that fails.....really your floorpans dont look all that bad.......I made mine from a camaro hood and I mean a whole friggin hood...carpet hides a multitude of sin............Wagg's