bhwm1972.. 1965 Dart GT in Palm Springs, CA

Hi there!

Congrats to the car. They are rare. I have your car in my register of the DartChargers and go/go package cars. Good luck with it.

Thank you.. This is wonderful. I have found a lot of help on this site. I need to get some rust fixed. Funny a lot of people said "just put a 360 in it and tub it", "Ugly color.. paint it please". I have the black one that is my.. "the way I like it car" The new one is special to me.. I want to preserve the cars history. I just need more info on what was in the car from the factory, and what I need to replace and where to get it. I love the 63-66 darts. 1965 being my fav. I sat in my first 1965 Dart back in 1994 as I sat in the seat I realized somehow it was made for me. The seat hight, steering wheel hight, shifer placement, I was in love. :icon_smi: So much so that I sold my 1972 Dodge Demon to keep it. (I heard You did what??) I see a lot of them still running around but the 1965 Dart GT is in a group of its own. Thanks for the welcome everyone.. Bruce