Dupont Paint Costs!! Sticker Shock!

I haven't painted, or had a car painted in years. Why is paint so expensive?!?!?! What the hell are they mixing in there?

I will try to explain some of the cost......

In the old days when paint was cheep the transfer rate of spray guns was also bad.
So paint was cheep and when you painted most of the paint ended up on the floor.

Then the high efficiency HVLP guns came along. Some of these guns have a transfer rate of 80+% so most of the paint you buy is getting on the car.

So, today you use much less paint when painting a car.

Using much less paint = lower paint sales for the paint manufactures.

In order to combat this paint prices went up. (They sell less paint so they are charging more for it).

People that are painting at home with old guns really get hosed.

(+ government regulations, fees, shipping, material and manufacturing costs have all went up)

This is my gun.