Is A/C working normally?

Yes, that's right. And the air entering the evaporator comes from…

…class? Anyone? Buehler?

From outside via a very short path. It's drawn in through the cowl air intake between the base of the windshield and the aft edge of the hood, down and in through the passenger-side dash pass-through, and from there directly into the evaporator coil. That's in every mode except "MAX A/C", in which the air is recirculated within the vehicle rather than drawn from outside. If one is following proper factory-specified system performance test protocol, one does not use "MAX A/C" for ∂T tests.

This is the '65-'72 A-body system we're talking about; try and keep up, willya? ;-)

Ya know Dan you once insisted that I was on your ignore list. Wha?? happened? I'm getting pretty dammed tired of your snide remarks.

Please read the below, and "try and keep up"

(Right out of the shop manual which you can download from this site, and relative to the specific vehicle we are referring to)

Regardless of whether the factory didn't mention to run these tests in "max" or not, that is the ONLY way that any of them make sense. This would be the equivalent of trying to measure the cooling performance of your house unit with all the doors and windows open, either heating OR cooling.

Outside doors are closed in "off" or "max AC"