Thermoquad question

Well, a lot of my problem was garbage in the tank, I took that out and reconditioned it this winter and blew the line out real good. Then of course I had to disassemble the carb again and clean it out, and discovered that I had messed the gasket up around the wells. All that aside it runs and tunes now much better. I have about 50 bucks in it, and like I said it runs like a scalded dog.

As for me I will pick up a few more when I find them on the cheap, if they are the non smoggers, rebuild them for future use.

I have one I picked up from a 340 that is next on the list for rebuild. Again it will be a 50 dollar carb. I don't think a person can go wrong with a TQ. I will be looking at swap meets for a 9801 this summer.

All in all I am glad I learned it and used it.