Home grown DUAL snorkel air cleaner
Well, I was wanting a dual snorkel air cleaner assembly for my old '68 dodge truck with a 440 in it. I got sick of looking at the prices for these as I dont want to spend that much on the old truck and especially since I was going to modify it. So I gathered up a stock 413 4bbl single snorkel air cleaner and gathered up a slanty six air cleaner (for the snorkel) and headed over to my buddies metal shop. A few hours later... here is the result.
We had added the slanty snorkel on and it had the heat riser hose hookup hump on the bottom and the pod on top which was removed top and bottom to match the original 413 style one. Dont need that heat riser crap anyways on the old truck.
With a little finish work to do and sanding and painting it will be pretty dang nice I think. All was welded in from the inside so it looks like a stock unit outside. Even installed the air defuser inside behind the snorkel.
So basically the cleaner assembly is the same as a dual snorkel. NOW can someone give me the part # or measurements (diameter and height) of the air filter that goes in these?? I had a few laying around here and they are all too tall or too short. If someone can get me close I wont have to stand around the filters at the store with the assembly in hand... Hard to measure height with the lid on. Any help here will be appreciated.
I have a 440 magnum sticker plate that will go around the top... finsihed pics will come up soon as I am done.
Well ? How did we do ??