Question concerning paint code......

All that I can tell you is that "H" = 1972 ( e.g. , "E"=1969 , "F"=1970 , "G" = 1971 , ad seq. ) .

However , just because of its alpha-prefix being an "H" , doesn't mean that's the year of the car . Witness the paint code "TB3" : "T"=1962 ; however , this code wasn't applied to the fender tag until 1972 , when it became a regular , non-special order colour ( btw , TB3 = Petty Blue ; but it was coded "special order" ( 99 or 999 ) until '72 .

After all of that ...

Your car's original colour was , iirc , something like "Sable Bronze Metallic" . And , of course , as usual , Dodge , Plymouth and Chrysler all used different names for the same colour :tard: