Showing license plate in pictures?!?

I just received a friendly warning from someone that my signature pic clearly shows my license plate. That got me to thinking, why do people worry about other people seeing their license plates? I see them blurred or covered in pics all the time.

The most you could do, if you had the access to the states computer data base, is find out where I live? Big deal. Just ask, I'll tell ya. My car is very seldom here anyway, and when it is, it's locked in my garage.

I'm more worried about someone local following me to the store and stealing it than I am about someone that might be three states away. What are your guy's thoughts?

The only reason I do it is due to me not having a signed release to publish their picture here on FABO.
CYA more than anything but it is redundant now.
If the subjects in the pics are out in public their picture is fair game. Already established by the poparotzi with celeb photos in court.
I have been slowly not doing the tag block anymore, it's just extra editing and with the number of pics I submit to FABO, I can save about 2 months a year by not blocking plates or faces in pics anymore!! LOL!:thumbup: