FABO, show me pics of yer sticks!!

I remember watching a friend surf when I was about 14 years old and gave it a try John :happy10:
I was in Plant city Florida,Strawberry season :clock:.
I road with him and two girls ( older then me yumm) and enjoyed the ocean and bikini's :D He had two boards and a very cool black ford van.
When we got there he had me carry the big board and he showed me how to get my speed up and then get in a squatted position and lean away from a pear that was close buy and after about three attempts I got all the way up on my feet :headbang: after I learned I was to far forward on the board :sad1:.
It was fun, But then a friend of his came and took over the big board and I watched from the shore with the girls :wink::wink: 14 years old was the new 21 back then :lol:
My one and only time to try it, waves was no more then 6' tall but I can see where this would be allot of fun. The guys did not mind me rubbing sun lotion on there ladies :heart: Now that I think about it :idea1: that was the first time I enjoyed a J,number,dooby :scratch: