Header advice

Please reread my post about the hooker headers, I said the ONLY reason I asked is due to being offered them cheaply, I never asked if they were recommended. Simply put I CURRENTLY cannot afford $500+ for simple headers for the dart. I was want to know if they'll do for a cheap pinch until the time I can shell out the large amount for the TTI or Dougs.

thats fine but that also wasn't your original question. yes hooker and the rest of the cheap ones have clearance isues. they hang way low, #5 and 7 plug wires always seem to be brunt because of the way the tube goes over those plugs so closely. personally i would keep manifolds on and save for tti or dougs rather then spending $75 now, fighting to install them and then have them hit everything in sight and then doing it all over again when you get good headers.