"Dr. Death" is .....well.... seriously dead

Aw, heck no! Your life -- your body -- your person -- doesn't actually belong to you. You don't get to decide when to stop. That's for the invisible magic sky fairy to decide. Don't believe in the sky fairy, or believe differently than the majority? Tough ѕhit; freedom of religion don't apply to you unless you choose an approved brand of an approved religion. Y'want religious freedom? Fine: Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Orthodox, Methodist, Evangelical, Seventh-Day Adventist, Mormon; Jewish, maybe Hindu or Sikh, and Muslim is allowable on a case-by-case basis as long as you don't go around wearin' funny clothes and calling yourself one o' them camel-jockey names. There's yer freedom of religion. :roll:
Very intertaining-you have the choice-just do it!Don't wait until you must have someone else do it for you-thats lame! Don't give me the hyphothetical situation of ( you have no use of your faculties) Do it when you hear you are not going to make it.Don't blame the sky faries/majorities/God/Belzebub/turtleman/skytrooper.It's your life,go meet the guy,then you can tell me how that works for ya.Man up!