"Dr. Death" is .....well.... seriously dead

Well, yeah, you kind of have to expect to be judged harshly when you try to enforce yourself upon others. Oddly enough, most people don't like being told what to do by a nosy buttinsky (or large groups of them).

This is really simple. You can probably understand it if you put on your thinking cap, give it a good try, and sound-out the hard words: just live by your own values and beliefs, and let others live by their own values and beliefs, and as long as you're not hurting others and others aren't hurting you, there'll be no problem. The world is full of people different than you.

Screw you, danny boy. Stay the hell out of my threads. YOU are the one who turned this into a political mess, and YOU are the one "forcing your beliefs on others."

So I'll repeat----how is it that since you CLAIMED that you were gonna put me permanently on your "do not call" list that you are able to read and reply to this thread?

THIS MAKES IT SEEM as if you are less than honest, because you are not doing what you said you were going to do, right?. Hey, jus' assin'

"sound out the hard words?" Kinda makes you judgemental, doesn't it? "Judging" that nobody other than you can think this out clearly?

"nosy buttinsky"

I believe this comes under the heading of "name calling." Of course danny boy would NEVER fall into that category, would he?