Advice needed

Perhaps i should have said I don't know of any "[email protected] flat tappet/ .520 lift, 230cfm headed SMALLBLOCK, 3500lb 10 sec cars" :D[/QUOTE]

ha ha ha Just bein cheeky RatPatrol, its got the 485 purple shaft and NO no2 or puffer.
Remember Feral tho RatPatrol? He went 11.45 in his full steel Valiant sedan with heads
in the 215-220 range, a wimpy .48-285 adv cam and 443CID, witch is a small BB these days.

Good on ya OZ, Iv helped a few blokes out building there cars on the basis
of a set HP number and they have all been disappointed with there ET's,
aiming for a ET# is the way to go, you'll be far happyer. good luck mate.