It's on now, wish me luck

Well tomarrow i'm going to buy a used mig welder for 100.00. My tax return wasn't as good as I thought so I'm going to install the pass floor board myself and save some money. I realy didn't want to because I'm so anal about body work and that means it'll take me longer to do it. I was planning on buying one some day... just not this soon. Depending on how far I dive into it and how fast I can make progress maybe I'll be able to afford paint too buy the end of the year. I did clean out some of my garage and fired her up on Monday, the exhaust pipes only go about 2-3feet from the manifolds (no muffs) GOT to love that sound! I'm going to use my camcorder and tape it before I tear it down...That way I can watch it for motivation while She's apart.