neighbors hate me

well im not violating any laws or ordinances we dont have any here i have been have knee troubles for bout 8 years i let the yard go just trying to live no i dont like the way it looks but slowly im fixing that but its for me

Have you asked the neighbors for some help due to your handicap? I'm pretty sure if you asked them they'd be willing to give you a hand. It would fix a number of things, not the least of which would be your relationship with them, and probably your reputation in the neighborhood.

Even if they could get it all done, you be surprised at the good will your generate by asking for help, and maybe throwing in a case of beer and some burgers and hot dogs for their efforts.

The only thing it could hurt is your pride, and maybe, if you made a friendly gesture toward them, they'd reciprocate. What have you got to lose, besides a mess, a bad rep, and some pissed off neighbors who you claim hate you?