3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

But Joe I think even you have to admit, sometimes it's not how fast something can go, it's how quickly it can get there. For an untrained, inexperienced driver that cannot judge how quickly a fast car can get there, that car was a bad choice. I agree with your overall point though and I think you're trying to say that dead is dead no matter what it's in. And you're right.

problem is the article doesn't say what really happened. he could have decided to nail the gas a quarter mile before the accident and got to speed too fast. or they could have been doing 90 for 10 miles and just lost control at that point. we don't know. it may have nothing to do with hemi power or can have everything to do with hemi power. all i'm saying is people see 2011 challenger and assume it was too much car for them. but in reality a 4 cyl car can and will do 100 mph and have the same results. in the same distance ? no. but we don't know where the kids started their high speed.