3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

Saying it is somehow the car that is at fault IS a goofy thing to say. And as far as seat belts and helmets, we SHOULDNT have to be told to do it as it IS common sense, but it isnt gubments place to tell us to have common sense. Period. I dont need you to tell me what is "safe" for me, thanks. I am a big boy and can make my own decisions. By the same token, I will take my lumps for my decisions, as it should be.

The liberals want everyone to have healthcare and unfortunately that means the people who decide to not wear helmuts/belts and need lifesaving medical car and yet have no health care coverage thru their own lack of planning.

If we are gonan have gubment enforcing common sense, why stop at seat belts, helmets and fast cars for stupid kids?

Some people should wear rubbers 24/7 and NEVER have kids but they do anyways....and we all know smoking KILLS people every year.....should gubment be involved in those situations too and make laws to prevent the stupid from procreating and people from sucking filth into their lungs by the pack????

Lets not make this a political discussion for cripes sakes.

Kids driving fast cars and doing stupid things has been a problem for DECADES...as long as there has been cars. Same as the drunks out there of all ages who insist that "I am OK to drive."

Trucks can get kids into just as much trouble.....the old "I have a big honkin' 4x4 and am invincible" scenario. They are top heavy and dont corner as well as sedans/cars. Speed in an SUV or truck and it can roll over FAST.

I know kids who have fast cars and are very responsible. I know kids who do and aren't too.

I also know grown "adults" who have no business behind the wheel of ANYTHING with more than 80 hp, yet they have the money to buy whatever they want so they do.

My oldest kid was riding an ATV at age 8. My youngest one is now 9 1/2 and is just getting to the point where he is "ready: in my eyes.

Just like anything else, some people just are not ready at a young age for certain activities. Sometimes, even as they become adults, they are not ready.

Parents need to gauge the maturity of the kid before getting him/her any vehicle.

And even when they do, kids make mistakes.

Kids are like people that way.

The best vehicle for kids IMHO? Mid/late 70's 4 door cars. Big, heavy, lots of "buffer" for accidents and typically poor performance.

Cars like the 74 Chevy Nova 4 door with a straight 6. Great solid car to drive, average performance and lots of "buffer". Typical 10-12 mpg so the kid cant afford to go too fast or too far. LOL