3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

So with a little experience in this area (5 Kids, 4 boys and 1 girl), I have have pretty good luck with them. In Texas we can "Parent Teach" our kids how to drive. I am far harder than any of the driver's ed programs out there because I require a passing grade of 100 on every test and assignment.

I also teach a off the record class where I take them out and have them try to drive the car the way we all know they will when we are not with them. I teach them how to put the car in a slide and how to pull it out of one. How to panic brake in a car with and without anti-lock brakes. I teach them how to learn their car's limits so they know what it can and can't do. I teach this in both dry and inclement conditions. In short, I make sure they are not seeing emergency driving conditions alone the first time.

I also have a rule about their first cars... Low Horsepower and max speed of about 70 or 80. I am not a fan of pickups as only the latest models have good safety features in them and most have more power than I want them to experience. I have seen too many kids lose their lives in pickups. Anybody can get in trouble in any car but a low horsepower car with a low center of gravity lowers the chances they will get in trouble.

Seat belts are a mandatory accessory as well. I have one of my kids here with me still because he remembered to put on his seat belt while riding in the back seat with a friend. Less than a minute after he put it on, the driver lost control on a country road and rolled the car at about 50 miles per hour. Two kids were ejected from the car due to not have on their seat belts and were severely injured. Seat belts save lives. They may cause injuries in some cases but they save more than they harm.

I also tell them that if they want a high horsepower vehicle, they need to buy it and build it. I also tell them not to confuse their daily driver with their hot rod. It should not be the same car. If they can't afford to buy a second car, they don't need to be racing...