3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

problem is the article doesn't say what really happened.

EXACTLY! The only people who (maybe) know what really happened were in that car. There coulda been an obstacle in the road or blown out tire, anything could have made them leave the road. It's very easy to blame speed when you weren't there and don't know what really happened. Looking back, I know there were countless times I was driving at high enough speeds where a mechanical failure, blowout, obstacle in the road, etc. would have resulted in major injury if not loss of my life. I think most of us can say the same thing. As Joe said, they could have been in any other car and had the same unfortunate result.

That being said, I agree that a 16 year old should not be learning to drive in a car like that unless it is in a controlled enviroment. The requirements to get a license are a joke. They amount to performing a couple of basic maneuvers at low speeds and a written test. Nobody teaches kids how drive. When I say drive, I mean how to control a car, not "press this pedal to go, press this pedal to stop, and oh, the big round thing in front of you makes the car go left & right."

Condolences and prayers to the families.