3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

do they still show those movies in drivers ed like "The streets run red?" you know the old state police videos of crash footage..peoples brains hanging out and stuff.

if parents would stop with this nanny state stuff, ex: let the kids jump off of trampolenes into blow up pools and hurt themselves then they would know what pain feels like and learn from it...then they might say..."If i do this then i might get hurt! i dont want another broken arm..." they may also learn to be safer in other areas of their life...instead of saying.."ehn...i wont get hurt, i'll do what i want..."

children need tools to learn not someone to tell them they cant do this or that.... because they will defy you every step..i know i did when i was a teen.

No not here no videos of any kind. Just teach them how to pass the test and road test that is it.