3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

Its not akin to blaming a gun for a shooting. Its akin to blaming the judgement of a parent who gives his kid free reign of the gun cabinet and somebody gets shot.

Some parent is living vicariously through his kid. Buying a brand new V8 car for a teenager is just plain stupid. Especially considering these new cars are way way faster than anything around when us 40 somethings (and older) were kids.

I'd wager that if you looked at teen fatalities in cars where the teen is at fault, horsepower plays a part in an outsized number of cases. I'd also bet in cases where a loss of control is involved, rear wheel drive is often a culprit.

Nobody tries to race the kid stuck driving an econobox, and the kid has no illusions about it being fast. Even if they do race, how fast can the thing really go in a stoplight race in town?

A couple of years after I was in high school, the local bigwig developer bought his kid a brand new 'vette! That kid died a couple weeks later, right in front of the school no less.