3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

Yes he obey's the law to a certain extent just like the rest of us. We all make mistakes and unfortunately sometimes we pay with our lives and the lives around us. Sad to say, this happens everyday

FWIW, he is on the Honor Roll at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music 2 Years in a Row and takes 21 Units per semester and tested out of a bunch of classes the first semester there. He has enough credits to graduate after next year first semester. He is a good kid that is going to be 20 Years old next month. I am not saying he is an Angel in anyway shape or Form, although I can count on 1 hand how many times I had to discipline him Physically.

5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40 and so on.......... haaaa

That's awesome Louis. I commend you.