neighbors hate me

I made a pulse-jet out of 3 inch threaded pipe (main tube/combustion chamber) and 2 inch pipe (exhaust tube) total length about 3 feet long with all store bought pieces . The valve is Top Secret though !

Anyway when my Bro and I ran out of propane bottles to run it on I had this brain storm......"Hey, I wonder how Loud it would be on Actylene+Oxygen".....Hmmmm ?

This thing was so powerful it immediately destroyed the valve in a 1 or 2 second burst and was at least as loud as a Top fuel dragster .
I imagine it sounded something like firing off 200 rounds from a gattling gun on an AC130 gunship.

After it self-destructed we frantically shut the garage and the whole operation down anticpating the swift arrival of law enforcement (who fortunately never showed up) !!!

Crossram, even outside the "shark tank" you're a hell-of-a-guy! :notworth: :thumblef:
