3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

So then if you lose control as a direct result of you not wearing a seatbelt and KILL someone ELSE, you are fine with calling that "taking your lumps". Nice.


That old "keeps ya behind the wheel" line may have been 100% true back in the day of bench seats and cars with interiors the size of a living room, but have you sat in a newer car lately? Those seats hold you so damn tight and the interior is so small in most anymore you aint going anywhere unless you are flipping the car end over end....and by that time "control" is pretty much a moot point.

But ok, lets say that the seatbelts "keep you behind the wheel and in control".

If we have to mandate seatbelts then ALL ACTIVITY that can distract someone from driving should be equally illegal and pursued.....

I am more worried about the yahoos texting while drinking a 32 oz slushee while smoking while yellingat the kids in the back seat. The way to keep control of an accident is to not have one to begin with and the habits people have now on the roadways are waaaaaay more scary than worrying about someone somehow flying out from out of his bucket seat squished between a door and a center console.

Anyways, lets not jack the thread....sad sad story with real families involved.

Prayers going out.