3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

As a father how,s son was killed in a car that hit a big old oak tree at 200KPM,driven by a nother person and killed himself and three others,its the problem of many.Parents,driver,and passengers,and the public.Parents should know if their son/daughter is any bit of a chance of a nut case behind a wheel,and say no.Driver has to be fully acountabule for their actions,passengers to be sure the person driving is not a nut case or has been drinking,or smoking drugs or taking any,public to make sure the police are doing there job to check and lay the law down,100%.When you see your child laying beside a car in pieces,maybe some of you will step back and maybe think a bit,and might even think the laws are to lame for under 25 people,but I am sure that some here will be bitchin about my right to do this or that.Well,you have no rights to kill my child because you are a dumb *** and can,t teach your kid how to drive properly and show respect to other.Maybe a few pictures of the car my son was in,and the people in it that where cut open like a fish on a table,would that straighten you dumb asses out a little,some yes,others,its going to do nothin to them,I have my rights.And you know what,you do have rights,right up to the piont where you are 100% WRONG,mrmopartech if you don,t agree,call me,if you can afford it,450 424 0445