jerk drivers!

Speaking of stupid drivers, Not too long ago I was driving from New Mexico back to Georgia. I was in the desert in NM headed toward the Texas panhandle on I-70. The speed limit is 75mph, and I had my cruise control set at 80.
I came up on a car in the right lane rather quickly (my guess is he was doing about 65 or 70 mph). There is no one else within eye shot heading east at this point (about 2am). About 150 to 200 feet, or so, behind this guy, I changed changed lanes to pass him. As I did, he began to speed up. When a was next to his car, he was matching my speed, and after about a minute or so, he sped up, and I dropped back in the right lane behind him.
After a few minutes, a began approaching his car from the rear, again. When I changed lanes to pass him again he sped up. I let him get a few lengths ahead of me again, and I dropped back into the right lane, behind him, again, and again, he slowed, and I was creeping up on him a third time.

We were approaching Tucumcarri, NM by this time, so I let him stay in front of me while we went past the obligatory array of gas station and American Indian novelties. About 10 miles or so past Tucumcarri I was about 3 car lengths behind him, still doing about 80 mph, and a changed lanes to pass him again. I noticed he had Oklahoma tags on the car. This time I went past him at a little over 95mph, and I stayed on it until I was about a quarter mile in front of him. As soon as I passed him, he switched his high beams. I reset the cruise control for 90 mph, and I soon was far enough ahead of him that he was no longer a factor.

When we stopped in Amarillo to get a bite, I noticed him pulling into the restaurant parking lot as we were leaving. Either he stopped before Amarillo, or he slowed down after I passed him, because we stopped to eat breakfast, get gas and were leaving when he pulled in.

I'm just not sure why people do that kind of ****, and my wife wouldn't let me stop to ask him wtf he was doing, either. Probably for the best.

This seems to happen whenever I drive my car. I usually get pissed and just put my foot to the floor until they are out of sight. As for the bikes we figure pulling over is the best bet. If we are behind him we can call get his plates and call the police i suppose.

We went for a 25 mile ride tonight and had no issues. It was a great ride aside from these shitty newyork roads :toothy10:.