3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

speeding is speeding. a 4 cyl. pt cruiser is capable of speeding and having the same results.
as a parent of driving age teenagers, I'm w/ya Joe. Those who blame the parents: Did YOU drive the way your parents taught you....100% of the time? (remember, it takes just a fraction of time to screw up royally...) Just enough to regret. As adults, those who will admit it can feel me, as I still make stupid manuvers...later I regret them and am ashamed of my actions. None the less, bad judgment caused them and I'm human and wish I could reverse time to re-think..... Bottom line: I can't blame the parents, it was a bad decision on the driver/occupants that this happened. I guarantee they wish they had that split second to do over. regardless of the vehicle at question.