3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

So sad to see kids lose their lives. I for one think it is just way to easy to get your license here in the U.S. What we need is a setup more like the test in Sweden http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_licence_in_Sweden This would help weed out many of the idiots on the road today. Another thing that I don't get is with all this technology we have on cars now why not a "student mode"? Just have a plug in setup that has a governor for new drivers. We already have those interlock setups for drunks. So why not have parents pick these up for a fee when they go to get a learners permit for their kids? Probably some out their wouldn't use it but at least it would cut back on these situations. And sure you could still get in an accident at 40mph but hey at least it would be better than an accident at 140mph!?