3 Teens Killed in Speeding Challenger

exactly-the operative word here is Speeding, not Challenger.

But the fact that it was a V8 Challenger sure didn't help the situation.

I like the way we can talk about guns here........ My young, nephew started out with a Red Rider.

When he was older and had proven to be a responsible shooter he got a 10/22.

When he reached hunting age he got the old family 30/30 for deer.

He will be going to a 300 win mag when we think he can hump the hills alone for Elk over here in the Cascade Range.

The parents were stupid, the kid was stupid, the car........ Well it's just a car. Without a driver it just sits there.

Just like a gun. Without a shooter, it just sits there.

But what parent would give a 5 year old a 300 win/mag?