360 instal, going on 3 days, need help

We just had a really hard time getting the tranny and engine level with each other, but ultimately, the 2 were so close I decided to just drop in a few bolts and slowly tighten to draw it together.

I was a little nervous about doing that since I had a 1/8" gap at the top and almost 1" gap at the bottom. But I worked from side to side on the bottom bolts and slowly pulled it together.
(this was after I pulled the engine back out and did another check with the clutch alignment tool)

Normally I like to see the eng and tranny snap together befor I put any bolts in, but it just wasn't happening for me. I think because the way I had the chains on the engine, the angle was never right lowering it down to meet with tranny.

PS - yes I had machine shop drill out the flywheel to balance for 360. I thnk it was a 318 flywheel and they drilled it according to the specs I gave them for $25