clutch adjustment problem
I have a 1971 duster here right now. You have to slam it into reverse and it grinds. You cannot downshift easily. Also hitting second at any rpms is difficult. It had three different transmissions installed. Finger and diaphragm clutch. All new linkage from another car. I tried every thing to get this car to shift properly. I read the article in mopar muscle on this problem. I went into the parts shed and dug a couple of peddal assemblies out and saw there was a difference. These are the pics I took for another thread. I have since then changed the pin spread to 6 inches. The car shifts like butter and no clunk or slaming it into reverse so it don't grind. Hitting second and any gear is easy at any RPM without let up on the accelerator. I could not believe the difference in the way this car shifts. The pedal pushes harder without the heavier spring but its manual steering also so doesn't look like its going to be a caddy style ride anyway. Someone on here has a link to that artical in mopar muscle. Found it.