Driving hot rods with $4 a gallon prices--I love it, when I can do it

I never ever gets even 100 up here, once like every 20 years.

Drove it again today, that is 3 days in a row now.

Heck these newer sport cars suck once a few years old, seen an expensive 2009 car, sounded great, could it move, not really and we got a 2nd and ever 3rd chance--the 3rd time I just left it down till it was hopeless..oh these newer cars can't take high speed bumps either.

I priced them quickly out on ebay, 2009, 30,000 miles, $90,000 plus was the asking price..heck that is crazy, I'm sure that car is much more of a chick magnet than my car, ha ha but seriously I be sick if I owned that car...I'm not saying names, just it did weight 4,300 lbs, that is heavy and half the problem, plus its been around a few years.............but my car is over 30 years old, with 45 year old technology--dual carters--expect for the MSD E curve dist and 7al box and HVC coil...its this smog fuel also, carbs you can tune, FI you are screwed unless you live by a high end custom shop--and have deep pockets.

Oh, by the way, my gas is all gone now, I need to buy some more, yuk