12th DUI

Poor guy is a alcoholic and just won't quit. He more than likely lucky to still be alive after be caught 12 times. Just think of all the times he drove drunk without getting caught.

A fellow brought his car in the other day to have a broke windshield fixed. My boss told me that he was coming and that I will have to let him drive his car in the shop and also let me drive it out after we install the windshield. The car had a breathalyzer installed in it and fellow had to blow into it our the car wouldn't crank!!!
The car had a SC tag on it but that is first time I have ever seen anything like it. If he drinks he isn't going anywhere.

I have seen a guy that I know has painted his truck at least four times because he has been caught numerous times for DUI and driving under suspension. He just paints it a different color each time to keep a low profile from the law. LOL

I'm a recovering alcoholic and before I sobered up I have been stopped three times for DUI. I was heading for my fourth but I decided to quit so it never happened. There was more than once that the next morning I would get up and look out to see if my vehicle was out in the yard. I don't even remember coming home! That's bad but I don't have to worry about that any longer.

I've heard a horrible story about drinking and driving but it is too disturbing to share.