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daves66valiant said
Yeah it took me 2 hours to get the dowels turned just right to get the best runout readings. Mine was originally .015 out. The offsets really shored things up. :blob: What a pain in the *** taking the bell on and off. Good to go now. Yeah keep me updated on the MC. I was reading the instructions again today. Nice work.
Started with the new m/c today and as the other one the mounting bracket would fit better if it was machined around the hump on the firewall. The slave cylinder mounting bracket is the same way,it`s flat and without any offset it hits the hump of the firewall. I`m seeing more each day that there`s a lot more that Keisler could do to make this a better fit for the A-bodies. Got a late start today but hopefully tomorrow I`ll have it done. I`ll let you know how things work out.