12th DUI

A buddy just got out of jail in AZ, for drunk driving. He called his wife to come and pick him up at the bar, she showed up and he decided to drive any way. He got stopped about 1000 feet from his house by a cop he grew up with. He was told by the cop that he has been watching him do this for years and just could not look the other way anymore. He did the suspension of the dl and jail time. He now has an igntion interlock for another year or so. ANother buddy got one for basicly being parked while drunk. He was in what he thought was a left turn lane at a light, but it was not a turn lane. Cop waited for the light to cycle a few times before he lit him up and told him that it was not a turn lane, noticed the smell and wrote him up. Any more than 1 beer and no driving for me.....