Last minute questions

As I sit at my porcelin easy chair, reading old mopar action mags. I read some trans mods that cost nothing and realized they may be able to be used with my TF2 transgo kit that I just installed.
So here are the mods and I am wondering if I should do them!

One was to remove the large spring just above the valve body (cant remember the name) saying it would firm up the shifts.
Well, what the kit said to do was replace it with the one in the kit, and if it didnt fit , then use the original spring. So my logic is: if I have the orig. spring in there, can I just take it out, or will the mods made by the kit need to have a spring?

Ok so that one is a lil' sketchy to answer unless you are pretty knowledgable on the subject. But this next one might be a bit easier.

The other mod is to adjust the (once again cant think of the name) ALLEN Headed Screw which is on the side of the VB until it is almost all the way out, leaving just enough threads hanging out to be safe. This too should make shifts "firmer" and shift a little later.
Now on this, the kit didnt talk about adjusting this screw so I set it back to where it was originally.
I have a feeling I can do this mod/adjustment with no ill reprocutions but the first mod I just dont have enough knowledge of the trans to make the call.
Anyone know what to do here? thx guys! The car is going back together starting next week!