360 instal, going on 3 days, need help

I would say if you pulled it together with bolts, you have bent the clutch plate.

I will find out tomorrow after work. This eve I tried starting again after oilin the cyldrs but it still makes the same sound - like metal scraping metal. I threw a jack under the motor, disconnctd the rear trans bolts then the tranny housing to motor, but it didnt pop apart, in fact it stayed together after I loosend all the bolts.

I removed the flywheel cover and looked at the clutch operation when my wife pushed down the pedal, and it looked ok. Didnt see nothin wrong with the starter either. Also - I know the clutch disk went on the right way bcause it would have scraped if I put it on flipped.

Will keep you posted, those interested.
PS - I've also got a steady oil drip from the speedo cable connect on the gearbox now :)