So, who has taught you about cars?

Dad did oil changes, belts and plugs. Thats about it around me. He was in a car club back in 50's high school but didnt really get into major repairs. Best thing he did for me was to let me watch and hand him the wrenches. I think I was born with a curious mond when it came to mechanics. He would bring home things mechanical (along with my neighbor who was a trash man) so I could play with them, play to me would be to take them apart and see how they worked. Got in trouble a few times taking apart small appliances out of the kitchen. The best 10 year old birthday present I got was a set of screwdrivers! That aptitude and my first 3 POS cars forced me to learn to fix cars or I was going to be riding my bike 3 miles to school as a junior/senior! Thanks Dad.