Torque Converter for 273/904- Am I Screwed?

Hiya Ya'll.
I think I've got a challenge - My Torque Converter (TC) for my 1967 Barracuda is Dead. This TC is the @!#!#! small Crank Journal/19-Spline (I think that's correct?) type, so I can't use my other 2 904 TCs from later 318/904s that I have laying around.

My questions are these:
1) Is there any way of adapting the post-1968 TC to the pre-1968 273?
2) Is there another TC from later generation 904s/ Tf-6s/ 727s/ etc? that will bolt up? Perhaps one from a 1990s Dakota?
3) Does someone have this 273/904 TC for sale? or, Does anyone know who
to contact about one? Yeah, I'm cheap, too...I know, it's horrible to be an A-Body guy sometimes (please fergive me fellers).

Anyway, I really respect the Technical knowledge of you guys, so I axx humbly for your help in solving this bee-atch of a problem.

Thank You...