Gerahead's 71 Dart
Man, it seems like forever since I have been here............. I have finally been working to get my Dart's body ready to mount on the rotisserie. I nearly buggered one of my fingers up pretty bad last weekend while jacking it up to get the suspension out from under it. I had replaced the jack stands under the back of the car with a couple that had more reach. The ratchet style that I had originally used was sitting on the floor right next to me, so when I tried to stand up from my knees on the floor, I put my right hand on top of the stand to help push myself up. The damn ram collapsed and it caught the end of the middle finger between the ram and the tubing that it slides into. It hurt like the bejeeezus. I was almost afraid to look. It could have ended up a lot worse than it did.....tore the cuticle away from the base of the nail.
I had to tweak one of the bolt holes in the mounting plate on the front of the car and I have gotten both of the end frames test fit to the body and all looks good. I am hoping to get it all bolted up and lifted and balanced tomorrow. I will post a couple of pix when I get her swingin' in the breeze. L8r