checkout this info i found on my dart....

sorry this is a bit long.

as some of you may remember in june i bought my 71 dart that i sold about 10 years ago back. the kid i bought it from had said that his father used to write for magazines and there was a few articles written about the motor build up... well the kid never came through with the magazines that he had and i really don't want to keep hounding him.. i did call bartons shop over the summer and the guy i talked to said he remembers doing the motor but he really could only tell me the basics about it... so i do a google search for the kids father steve collison and about 5 pages come up. most of them are tributes to him since he passed away in 2000. i get to reading them and find one from what sounds like a real close friend of his so i e-mail him asking if he knows anything about the article or car and where i can find it.... he got back to me right away with the e-mail address of a guy he thinks could help me. so i e-mail that guy and he says he remembers it and had forwarded my question to a number of guys that may know better then him... so on saturday i get the e-mail ends up being pretty much the whole article on the engine build up before being published.. it is the original copy that steve collison sent to i guess the editor for corrections and this is the copy with the suggestions for steve to look at and possiblt correct... now hopefully i can find the actual magazine with it in... it would either be a mopar muscle or a drag racing monthly.... just though it was cool and wanted to share the news.....


if you are not fimilar with the dart story here is a link to it..
