Interesting update on "crappy" repro fan shrouds

Bill, while I respect that you are stepping up on the issue now, the fact of the matter remains that I and many others wasted a signficant amount of money buying what we thought was a quality product. I installed mine in the summer of 08 and it was destroyed by the fan within a week. Why did you market a product that was incapable of performing its function?

I feel your frustration. But keep in mind, I am not the manufacturer. But simply a retailer of someone elses product line. So I am at the same mercy as the end customer to a certain degree .
Had you contacted the retailer from whom you bought it from, a free replacement would have been sent , no questions asked.

Although , i've worked with Todd Hoffman on a few products from beginning to end in order to have them brought to market ( fan shrouds were NOT one of them btw ) .

I hold my product line to a high standard, even more so than my customer base does.
As an example, the current brand of repop fan belts from Quanta . I bought a set for use on my own car, as a test so to speak. They failed miserably. They stretched, squeek and overall I felt it would be a mistake to take on the product line . There for I do not sell or encourage anyone to buy said belts because of it.
But when a product doesn't perform as expected. I do my best to make it right, then and now.
Trust me , I've done my share bending over backwards to get these taken care of for any of my customers,,,,, one way or the other. I even went to bat for a few customers that bought there shrouds from other retailers, simply because other retailers said tough luck.
A couple of them I ate because the customer wanted a refund instead of a replacement.
I quit stocking any of the repop shrouds because of the past issues. Even though the feedback on the latest material is quite favorable.